Saturday, February 16, 2013


I have quite an obsession with skin. I am insanely jealous of anyone with smooth, clear skin a la natasha poly, as pictured. I'm not even a jealous person. 

Having suffered from mild acne from the age of 12 I've tried a lot of products and medications to try and attain that elusive, velvety, glowing, epidermis

The past year I have been more focused on health than ever before and basically found my extremely-frustratingly-persistent-but-admittedly-mild acne may just be due to the products that I was using to try and get rid of it. So many ingredients found in your well known beauty brand products are comedogenic. That means pore clogging. So hold up on slathering your face with whatever you usually do and check out the link below

The page rates ingredients by level of irritants and also by how comedogenic it is. They recommend that if you have acne prone skin, you shouldn't use anything with a rating higher than three or more.

I've been trying to  stick to very gentle, mainly all natural or organic products and oil free makeup for quite a few months now, my skin has definitely calmed down and I'm trying out a more alkaline diet to do the rest of the job.

So, I hope this saves you some time in researching the ingredients of your future cosmetic purchases. I certainly could have used it while emptying out my bathroom cupboard a few months ago. 

1 comment:

  1. Great info, thanks - I still get pimples and I am 53!!! Will have to change my skin care products. x
