Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Breaking into a healthy eating cycle can seem tough, after a couple weeks of poor eating choices I thought I'd post this as a bit of motivation for myself. 

Here are some things that really help me when I'm changing my eating habits. 


I found that Kai Lelion from yourzenlife.com summed this point up very well. His whole article on the importance of water can be found here.

"Much of the time, if we feel like we want to keep eating when we’re full, it is because we are actually dehydrated, and our body is trying to receive water from food. The same can be said of snacking, and having a sweet-tooth...

If you want to do something easy, and healthy, and you don't know where to start, try drinking more water. Next time you feel like snacking, drink a glass of water first, wait 5 minutes, and you hunger will likely subside. Likewise, whenever you’re thirsty, drink water first. Try only drinking other beverages when you want to enjoy their flavor, and not to quench your thirst. Not only will you be decreasing your caloric intake, you will also be replenishing your body, something it will be grateful for."

Take some vitamins

This has the same principle as water. Your body is craving certain nutrients and vitamins and won't feel satisfied until it starts getting some!

A good place to start can be with any or all of the following or a good multivitamin

Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin E

Cold turkey

It really is the best way to go. First things to go for me are refined carbs, processed sugars and butter.

I don't think you need to cut out coffee at this stage (don't be adding sugar though) as the caffeine helps with saying no to sugary snacks.

Eat a lot

Not what you were expecting? I always do this when I am starting off with eating a healthier diet. I allow myself to eat as large a portion as I want for the first few days, as long as it is a very healthy meal.

Tell people you are changing your eating habits 

Nothing like the fear of failure to keep you motivated! I'm kidding. It does help though and people won't rap on you so hard for saying no to a trip to maccas. 

Don't think of eating healthy as 'going on a diet' or with the goal of losing weight 

It's a lifestyle choice that says you value your body. You want to give it what it needs. Some reasons I choose to eat well are to improve digestion, improve quality of skin and feel energised.  

Remember... food should be peeled, chopped and/or cooked. Not unwrapped and zapped. 

Keep in mind I'm not a nutritionist - this is what works for me, everyone is different and may require different things to keep their body running at prime time. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Here's a little something to keep you going. I am a big lover of smoothies! It's a great way to get a lot of vitamins and energy into one quick meal! I can't remember the site where I found these images but boy, I am thankful. Now all I need is a vitamix. 

Bad Blogger!

I've started back at university and have been very time poor! As a result I've been eating all manner of processed foods. I feel sluggish and terrible! I'll update the blog properly tomorrow and share some tips on breaking into a healthy eating cycle. I definitely need to revisit those tips myself!